Author - Shawn Slevin

We Need A New Relationship With Water

We have just passed the 7th Anniversary of the devastation of Super Storm Sandy.  7 years later there is still much work to be done. The City agencies are taking steps to protect our land and buildings.  However, our most vulnerable assets, our people are not being thought of in these plans.     Multiple layers of protection are needed to help us be safe in and around the water. Swim Strong Foundation delivers two of those layers by teaching water safety and strong swimming skills.   It is...


Many people believe that lifting weights & building muscle is for younger generation who are fit & healthy which is an understandable view. However, from an anatomy & physiological viewpoint it’s incorrect. As people age, they should continue being engaging in any sport, physical fitness or resistance training. In recent posts I discussed warm up’s which need to be Dynamic Movements & warm downs are all about relaxing & only stretching areas that feel tight. Muscle loss speeds up as we...

Swim Strong Press Kit & Educational Resources page

Making It Easier For You Yes, and your readers.  We have added a Press Kit And Educational Resources page To give you the data you need for your next story. What, we are not on your radar yet? Let’s talk about how and why you should be writing about Swim Strong Foundation. We’re not just about swim lessons, but comprehensive water safety training. We are raising the Aquatics IQ of all New Yorkers to keep us safe in and around the water year round. Shawn M. Slevin

Registration for Nov/ Dec Classes is Open

ALL PROGRAMS ARE FOR ADULTS AND YOUTH Get Ready Get Wet: Build comfort and confidence in preparation for actual swim instruction. (30 Minutes) The class introduces new swimmers to the water. Children as young as 3 years old can participate if an adult family member joins them in the water. Learn to Swim: Learn proper breathing and streamlining techniques, freestyle and backstroke.  (1 Hour) Learn to swim advanced class teaches freestyle and backstroke. Stroke Enhancement Program: Learn skills in preparation for joining a competitive team....


Flexibility is important at any age.   Thanks Coach Paul Barry for helping us understand how important this is for our overall health! Most people have likely heard of flexibility & many have ideas around what it means. Flexibilities definition may well be different. It’s possible to have a very detailed anatomy & physiological definition but it’s not needed. Flexibility in simplicity is the ability of our soft tissue (muscles) to stretch. Physiologically an accurate definition would be - the range of...

Static Stretching & Dynamic Movements – Technical Overview

Our thanks to Coach Paul for taking a deeper dive into importance of Static Stretching and Dynamic Movements.   We would all benefit by adding these to our daily routines. Developing & incorporating a series of Dynamic Warm-Up Movements or routines should be a high priority. In a previous blog I have provided the reasons for this. Dynamic Movements are what you use before training, competition & between events if there is no warmup pool. At the completion of training or competition...

Swim Strong in Africa

Come, share my wonderful adventure in East Africa!  I was drawn by a lifelong desire to participate in a photo safari….but that just scratched the surface. While there, I discovered that the African continent leads the world in drowning deaths at more than 20%.  That the ”hotspot” of drowning in Africa is at Lake Victoria, where every year more than 500 people die in its waters.  Not recreational swimmers….but people who made their livelihood on those waters. I was also able to...

Registration for Sept/ Oct Classes is Open

ALL PROGRAMS ARE FOR ADULTS AND YOUTH Get Ready Get Wet: Build comfort and confidence in preparation for actual swim instruction. (30 Minutes) The class introduces new swimmers to the water. Children as young as 3 years old can participate if an adult family member joins them in the water. Learn to Swim: Learn proper breathing and streamlining techniques, freestyle and backstroke.  (1 Hour) Learn to swim advanced class teaches freestyle and backstroke. Stroke Enhancement Program: Learn skills in preparation for joining a competitive team....

When are Dynamic Movement & Static Stretching Appropriate?

You bet stretching is important…at any age and before any level of exercise.  But did you know there were two distinct types of stretching?   Thanks Coach Paul Barry for laying it out for us. Static Stretching Clinical studies have found that static stretching prior to athletic activity can negatively impact performance & can create ongoing performance deficits. A clear link has also been found that static stretching prior to athletic activity can be a precursor to later injuries. Static stretching does have...

Swim Strong Foundation is offering free swim lessons for our Veterans.

Swim Strong Foundation is offering free swim lessons for our Veterans. Our military veterans volunteered to risk their lives to protect our freedoms. We do this as a thank you for their service. Swim Strong Foundation currently offers free swim lessons to help potential recruits who need to pass a swim test in order to enter the coast Guard, Navy or Marines. Please join our program in this fall. Register here Brooklyn: Queens:

Swim Strong Foundation will present a mini documentary ” A Film Called Blacks Can’t Swim”

Swim Strong Foundation will present a mini documentary " A Film Called Blacks Can't Swim" on the evening of August 22.  It is co sponsored by the Jamaica Chapter of the NAACP, Council Member Donovan Richards and CERT. “ A Film Called Blacks Can’t Swim’s” storyline revolves around Ed Accura, a black British man who after watching an upsetting news report on bad weather and flooding, develops an acute phobia with water. His anxiety with not being able to swim and irrational fears of drowning pushes him into buying a life...

Health Benefits Of Lemons

Our thanks to Elite Coach Paul Barry from Australia for his insights on the benefits of lemons.  I was aware of a few of those he mentioned, but learned about several others.   Such good reasons to be adding more lemons to our diet!   Health Benefits Of Lemons The general health benefits of lemons are extensive & have been utilised for a lengthy period. Some fruit have had in-depth studies & other none. Despite lemons having known health benefits they haven’t been extensively studied. However, we...