
Stretch to Improve Your Performance

Maintaining good flexibility helps to improve your strength, athleticism, and overall performance. No matter the sport, proper flexibility is key if you want to perform at your absolute best.  When you improve your flexibility you improve your joints' range of movement as well. Greater mobility in the joints allows for better movement and a better swimming technique.  There are two basic types of stretching:  static and dynamic.  Static stretching loosens and relaxes the muscles.  Dynamic stretching helps improve the range...

Join Swim Strong’s 10th Anniversary Celebration

Join Swim Strong’s 10th Anniversary Celebration We want to give 100 at risk kids free swim lessons this summer. We need $24,000 to do it. We are looking for businesses to give $100 or more to help us reach our goal.  These kids would not be able to take swim lessons without your support. So, your $100 counts. A lot! If you give $500 or more, your logo and link will be prominently posted on our web site and social media platforms, visited by 75,000...

Starts and Turns BOOTCAMP

Swim Strong Starts and Turns BOOTCAMP   Tuesday, 3/21/2017      7:30-9:30pm Flushing Meadows Aquatic Center   Featuring:  Matthew Stypulkowski and Jordan Melidor-Fuxis   Fee: $75 per participant; $10 per spectator   So, you think you know everything about great starts and turns?    Yes, Starts and Turns are tough techniques to master, but our guest coaches will help you break it down and build it back up!   Our Guest Coaches are Matthew Stypulkowski – in his Senior year of swimming for Queens College, 14th year of competitive swimming. Matt is Captain of the Men’s Swim Team.   Jordan Melidor-Fuxis –...

“Know Before You Go®” Presentation

95% of Drowning Deaths ARE Preventable! People get hurt and die needlessly in and around the water because they don’t understand the environment they are getting into.  It doesn’t have to be this way!  View our series of videos to learn more ways to keep you and your family safe.  Our “Know Before You Go!®”  power point presentation; pre and post questions and training guide is available.  Send your request to   with your name email address and phone number.      

March/April swim class is open to register!

 March/April swim class is open to register!   If you are interested in our spring class, please do register ASAP.  The Get Ready/Get Wet and Learn to Swim programs are limited to the number of students we take in each location and fill quickly. Registration is first come, first served.   We want to continue the good work we are doing with our current students, so please don’t risk being closed out of a class.   Locations and Classes start date: Bushwich High School : Monday 3/6/2017 (4/10 & 4/17 No Class); Flushing Meadow Aquatic...


SWIM STRONG WANTS YOU TO: "BE THE BEAT!!"   STEP 1: CALL 9-1-1 STEP 2: Push hard and fast in the center of the chest More people knew CPR, more lives could be saved! Let's check out this video:

NO Ice Is Safe Ice!

by Gerald M. Dworkin Consultant, Aquatics Safety & Water Rescue LIFESAVING RESOURCES   TWO BOYS, age 11, are ice skating at a local pond. Suddenly, the ice cracks and one boy falls through into 34 degree Fahrenheit water. His friend runs to his aid, and potential tragedy grows as the second boy is pulled into the ice cold water by the panic stricken child already in the water. Unless help is immediately available, both boys will perish within a few minutes, either from drowning...

Why is Swimming one of the Most Heart Healthy Exercises?

In addition to toning visible muscles, swimming also helps improve the most important muscle in our bodies: our heart! Swimming is an aerobic exercise, it strengthens the heart by helping it to become larger; making it more efficient in pumping -- which leads to better blood flow throughout your body. 30 minutes of swimming a day can reduce coronary heart disease in women by 30 to 40 percent. Regular aerobic exercise can reduce blood pressure. Swimming raises “good” cholesterol HDL levels....