
Support our Sponsors !

As we draw close to 2016‎ Swim Strong would again like to thank our sponsors for their support and partnership. Please support them as you shop during the Holidays and into 2017!   Thank you!                                                                                                    ...

Swim Strong celebrates 10 years in 2017! Proud of the journey to date….excited for the possibilities ahead. Who’s in with us?

Thank you for attending our 2016 Friend Raiser event. Your support means a lot and helps us to do our work.   We are looking for those great corporate partners to join us in teaching Water Safety Awareness through our Adopt a School program and build out and deliver our Job Readiness modules for our upcoming Water Safety Awareness Days.  These are great ways for your employees to volunteer with us! We are looking forward to your ongoing interest and participation as we celebrate...

Modell’s Coupon Gift

Thank you for supporting Swim Strong in the past 9 years! We are looking forward to your ongoing interest and participation as we celebrate our 10th Anniversary in 2017! Our gift to you, use this coupon for 15% off great gifts for your loved ones.  Good through 12/26/16 We wish you all a peaceful and joyous Holiday Season!

Holiday Raffle 2016

We are celebrating 9th Anniversary of saving and changing lives through teaching water safety and swimming skills. Swim Strong has taught more than 7264 people to respect the water and develop strong swimming skills for safety, health, competition and enjoyment. 2186 children whose families could not afford to pay for classes received free swim lessons through our scholarship fund. With your help, we can do more!. The proceeds from our raffle go to our scholarship fund. Please be generous! Swim Strong Foundation is a 501C3 in New...

Swim Strong is Thankful for Quimey Moure!

Quimey Moure was a young man on a mission. That mission was to honor his mentor Paul Brown, who recently passed away. Paul Brown’s work, teaching water safety and competitive swimming skills touched the lives and hearts of hundreds of people in his community. Quimey, a former student of Paul, celebrated his life by hosting the All For Paul Fundraiser. He organized a pool party at the Pembroke Meadows recreation center and had the radio station HOT 100.5 come out and...

Giving Tuesday

Dear Friends,      GIVING TUESDAY has become a global day of support for charitable organizations dedicated to assisting those in need. When thinking of organizations to support, please consider Swim Strong Foundation.   About Swim Strong Foundation      Founded in 2007, Swim Strong is a 501c3, not-for-profit organization committed to saving and changing lives through water safety education and teaching swimming skills.  Thus far, our programs and services have helped more than 7200 youth and adults learn how to swim.  2100+ were at risk...

Swim Strong Foundation brings affordable swim classes to the East Village!

Swim Strong Foundation brings affordable swim classes to the East Village! It's time to register for the September/October 2016 Session at Swim Strong! LOCATION PROGRAM DAY DATES TIME LINK Manhattan-Boys Club of NY 287 E 10th Street, New York, NY 11239 (NO CLASS on 10/9/2016) Get Ready Get Wet Sun. 9/25-10/23 11:00 to 1:00 PM View Learn to Swim Sun. 9/25-10/23 11:00 to 1:00 PM View Competitive & Stroke Enhancement Sun. 9/25-10/23 11:00 to 1:00 PM View For more information visit Register for your class here: Need financial help?

Swim Strong Corporate Swim Challenge

The USA did a great job in Rio at these past Olympic Games…especially for Swimming! Our Athletes showed us how hard work pays off.   Join our Elite athletes and Olympians to swim a timed consecutive relay and raise funds to pay for free swim lessons for at risk kids in NYC.   Together we STOP the drowning.   20 teams will compete. Event date: April 9, 2017 Register today ensure your spot! Contact

Nickelodeon and Swim Strong team up to celebrate Worldwide Day of Play 9/17

Swim Strong is a proud partner of Nickelodian’s Worldwide Day of Play Sept 17th 2016. Why?  Because Day of Play highlights the need for children to be active through play. Active children tend to be healthier children.   Swim Strong is committed to safety, health, physical activity, sports, competition and recreational activities. Play is important!   While we teach life saving and life skills, which have profound impacts on the lives of our students, we use elements of play to do so. We teach butt bounces, hand stands and...

Do you want to participate in a future Olympic Games? Never too late to chase Michael Phelps!

Do you want to participate in a future Olympic Games? Never too late to chase Michael Phelps!   The summer has flown by, but you know the warm weather will continue to give us more opportunities to enjoy ourselves outdoors. Many of those will be places in and around the water, so it’s a good time to refresh ourselves on the importance of “Know Before You Go!®.” See our infographics here: Remember: It only takes two minutes and two inches of water to drown. ...

Starts and Turns BOOTCAMP @FMP 8/20/2016

Starts and Turns BOOTCAMP Saturday 8/20/2016 9:00-11:00am; Flushing Meadows Aquatic Center Featuring: Jonathan Fung, Matthew Stypulski and Jordan Melidor-Fuxis, Fee: $75 per participant; $10 per spectator So, you think you know everything about great starts and turns?    Yes, Starts and Turns are tough techniques to master, but our guest coaches will help you break it down and build it back up! Our Guest Coaches are Jonathan Fung who has competed for 20 years; captained Men’s Swim Team at Hamilton College; specializes in fly and free events. Matthew Stypulski – entering his 4th year of swimming for...

Save a Life this Summer

  Swim Strong Summer Scholarship Drive - URGENT Prevent drownings! Prevent life debilitating injuries! Already this summer, many families have suffered the trauma and heartache of losing a loved one because of an accidental drowning. Tragedy happens at lakes, rivers, pools, beaches, bathtubs, and more… all quietly within seconds. Drowning is the second leading cause of death of children under age 14!  Visit our website to "Know Before YOU Go!®" Thankfully, compassionate friends like you and Swim Strong Foundation can provide swimming and water safety lessons...