Excited to participate with #TyroneTurner and @UrbanUpbound on a panel addressing entrepreneurship on June 9th.
Here’s a Peek:
Here’s a Peek:
In February 2020 Swim Strong Foundation Held a Screening and Panel Discussion for A Film Called Blacks Cant Swim at Saint John's University. On the panel was a Psychiatrist Dr. Sudhir Gadh and an Olympian Jhonny Perez Nunez to raise water safety awareness during Black History Month. Below are all of the segments: More Videos On the Way. Stay Tuned.
As we come out of the pandemic and start to create our new normal, our friend Dr. Bruce Lawrie is available to help us get back into a healthy groove. View PDF Here: 2021 April Psychology In Action Leaflet
Did you know that 95% of drowning deaths and water based accidents are PREVENTABLE???? How do we change the dialogue? You must “Know Before You G®”
Update on Merle's Swim: Coach Merle sets new Guinness Record!!! Article Here: Guiness World Record: Farthest Swim In Monofin Swim Strong Founder on Merle the Mermaid 4/17/21 More Information about Merle Merle Liivand, born in Estonia, member of the Estonian National Swim Team, former Baltic States Champion, ice and open water swimmer, triathlete, entrepreneur, conservationist and yes, mermaid. Also, friend and Guest Elite Coach to Swim Strong Foundation, where she has taught several breaststroke Bootcamps; much to the delight of our swimmers! A video from her...
We are excited that Coach Paul Barry is now offering his elite coaching services virtually! Coach Paul has been a great a friend to Swim Strong sharing his expertise with us from both a physical and mental wellness point of view. He is now willing to share that more directly with you on a personal basis! See his offering here. I have been a Blog Writer for Swim Strong Foundation in New York since 2014. My blog subjects cover a wide...
I was delighted to be the guest on Bruce Hurwitz’s “Meet the Expert” podcast where we spoke about the importance of water safety. Bruce has a career as an executive recruiter, career counselor and speech writer so he knows how to ask questions and get at the heart of the matter. Thank you Bruce for shining the light in this critical, but so often overlooked issue. Here’s The Link: Fundraising Alert! We have raised $400 to date and need 105 supporters to donate $20 before...
Shallow Water Blackout (“SWB.”) technically known as Hypoxic Blackout or Apnoeic Hypoxia claims many lives every year. Most cases are 100% preventable through increased awareness of what causes it & the danger it presents. “SWB” occurs when a person holds their breath underwater too long or other forms of hypoxic based actions. “SWB” occurs from low levels of oxygen to the brain known as Hypoxia. The physiological process is: An inability to breathe takes place either consciously or from physical over exertion. This...
Greetings Swim Strong Friends in NEW YORK City and State, Please be aware that there are two Bills 2545A and A4846 making their way through the legislative process in the Senate and Assembly. They seek to promote the training of water safety education in NY State and City schools. We need you to reach out to your own Senator and Assembly Member and ask them to co-sponsor these bills and vote YES to pass them into law, The Senate Bill is Sponsored by Senator...
Presents A Virtual Film Viewing of "A Film Called Blacks Can't Swim" Plus Panel Discussion with Film Maker, Ed Accura In Partnership with the Laru Beya Collective, Patagonia and Surfrider NYC Register on line to view the film from Tuesday 2/16- Tuesday 2/23 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/viewing-a-film-called-blacks-can't-swim-tickets-141843414471 Attend the PANEL DISCUSSION with filmmaker Ed Accura + team on Sunday 2/21 at 4pm EST. Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjNmZThjOTktNmI1NS00YjRjLWI5MGEtNjY5MjFlNjJiNmNj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2246827196-0d1a-488c-949e-bb3ea6bdf141%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2280d0a150-1e37-4f07-b9dc-7811f117dcb1%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d The viewing is free but donations are greatly appreciated! @SwimStrongFoundationInc, @SurfriderNYC, @Patagonia, and @TheLaruBeyaCollective have come together to support a bill that will mandate water safety instruction in schools (Senate Bill S2207 // Assembly...
Shawn was delighted to join the talented Tommy D in his attic for this broad cast of Philanthropy in Phocus. Tommy.....Thanks for shining your light on our life saving organization! View Facebook Video Here: Podcast
https://sportsphilanthropynetwork.org/podcast-s4ep2-shawn-slevin/ You can download the full audio here or listen on the website.