Articles &–New Partner Announcements

New Partner Announcements offers custom designed caps delivered straight to your door. Design and create your cap with your own art or their full suite of stock images and fonts. Each order offers free worldwide shipping too. The only thing better is that has agreed to donate a portion of all their orders to us! Alan Hofmeister, president says, " is proud to support the Swim Strong Foundation.  Developing water smart kids is one of the keys to developing strong futures."   Swim Strong has...

Conquer Your Unhealthy Cravings

Most of us have food cravings, and they're often in the form of junk food loaded with sugar, fat and calories. French fries, doughnuts, potato chips and cookies can be hard to resist, but regular consumption of these snacks can cause problems for your health, waistline and well-being. Try the tips below to maintain good eating habits and manage those unhealthy cravings. Remove temptation. If you crave a particular type of junk food, like ice cream or candy, don't keep it around....

When are Dynamic Movement and Static Stretching Appropriate?

Clinical studies have found that static stretching prior to athletic activity can negatively impact performance i.e. it can cause performance deficits. Findings have shown a clear link between static stretching prior to athletic activity being a precursor to later injuries. Clinical Studies have shown that static stretching before training or sporting activity has been shown to: Impact balance Decrease muscle strength Reduce power and explosiveness Increase reaction time Decrease sprint performance What is Dynamic Movement? How to stretching your body appropriately before training or sporting? Let's check out here: When...

How Swimming Fights Obesity

How Swimming Fights Obesity                                                      February 2016   Swimming is THE best cardio, pulmonary and skeletal exercise one can do. It gives you the best full body work out and it’s easy on the joints and more! Cardio exercises are those that use rhythmic motion using large muscle groups that increase the heart rate. Increasing the heart rate, raises the body temperature which in turn causes your body to burn calories. Combined with proper nutrition, swimming is an excellent exercise for people who...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving During this season of thanking and giving we need your support more than ever. Thanks to the generosity of caring people like you Swim Strong Foundation has taught over 6300 children and their families water safety and swimming skills since 2009. What once was only a belief that children deserved a chance to learn how to swim has grown into...

Marathon Runner

I started running about 4 years ago. After I did my first half marathon in January 2012 (in the snow!) I thought I'd never (want to) do a marathon. Well, I changed my mind and proved differently with a Boston qualifying time in October 2012 on the boardwalk in Rockaway Beach, New York, just two weeks before the boardwalk was washed away by Sandy. Since then I've done 5 more marathons and New York City 2015 will be #7. My most recent...

Preparing for Disasters in New York City

If a Disaster Strikes….Are YOU ready? By Lisa Fenger September is National Preparedness Month. Many people when they think of being prepared, they think of disasters caused by hurricanes. But did you know that you should be prepared for all types of emergencies and disasters, including hurricanes? Read Full Article Here: click here

Spinal Cord Injury

DON’T be tempted to “just dive in”. It’s one of those hot, humid summer days and you are probably relaxing at the beach or a lake with one of yours friends. Maybe you have been drinking a little. Someone dares you to jump into the water, or maybe there is a competition among your friends. Only you don’t know how deep the water is or if there is anything on the bottom of the lake. You dive...

Summer’s Almost Over, but the Need for Water Safety and Swimming Skills Remain

We are in the dog days of August and the Summer is winding down. Sadly, as in past years, we have continued to lose lives due to drownings off our beaches, in our lakes, rivers and yes, even our home pools. Understanding your environment and the hidden dangers; using common sense and good judgement and of course, having strong swimming skills combine to keep you safe. Water safety + swimming skills = LIFE skills.

Swimming the English Channel

“Nothing great is easy” – lessons in motivation from an English Channel swimmer Motivation What motivates us to take on a large physical challenge? It probably starts with personal desire, that little voice inside that tells us to try something new, something difficult. Your challenge could be climbing K2, it could be climbing the stairs. It doesn’t matter. The thoughts processes are the same. For me it was to swim the English Channel. I had already swam it twice as part of...