Legislative Alert

Calling all New Yorkers, upstate and down,  to sign this petition to promote life saving water safety education in all our public schools Gk-12: Please complete this petition which will track to your local Assembly Member. Fill Out Petition | Click Here   Tell them you want this life saving programming in schools so that our children are prepared to safely navigate a much more watery world. Please share widely within the state. Thank you!!

City Locks in Lifeguard Pay Bump and Bonuses as Swim Task Force Explores Solutions

City Locks in Lifeguard Pay Bump and Bonuses as Swim Task Force Explores Solutions Katie Honan, The City This article was originally published on Mar 28 5:00am EDT by THE CITY A lifeguard keeps watch over swimmers during the reopening of the Flushing Meadows Corona Park Aquatic Center, Feb. 27, 2023. | Ben Fractenberg/THE CITY Newer city lifeguards are getting a permanent raise — and all public pool and beach watchers could net an attendance bonus — as the Parks Department and a...


HOMEOSTASIS – THE STATE OF EQUILIBRIUM   BIOLOGY – The Technical Version In biological terms, homeostasis is the state of steady internal, physical, & chemical conditions, in response to environmental changes, maintained by self-regulating processes in living systems being organisms including their organs or cells e.g. The kidneys maintain homeostasis in the body by regulating the amount of salt & water excreted. Homeostasis or maintaining a homeostatic state is the condition of optimal functioning for any organism & includes many variables, such as body...

The Effect of Lack of Sleep on Human Performance (Guest Writer: Paul Barry)

  Believe you can perform at your peak or athletic peak on 6 hours of sleep daily? Science says … “You Better Go Back To Bed” Clinical studies have reflected that people whose sleep patterns are reduced to 6 hrs per night for a period of 2 weeks become equally as fatigued as someone who has remained awake for a period of 48 hours! If athletes were aware of these findings, it would be a challenge to find anyone backing themselves to...

SWIM STRONG 2022 September-October Classes Schedule

Get Ready Get Wet: Build comfort and confidence in preparation for actual swim instruction. The class introduces new swimmers to the water. Children as young as 6 years old can participate if an adult family member joins them in the water. (30 Minutes) Learn to Swim: Learn proper breathing and streamlining techniques, freestyle and backstroke. Learn to swim advanced class teaches freestyle and backstroke. (1 Hour) Stroke Enhancement Program: Learn skills in preparation for joining a competitive team. For swimmers who have good freestyle and...

How Social Media Improves Water Safety (Guest Writer: Natalia Darlan)

Recently, the country has been experiencing extreme weather conditions. Reuters reports that temperatures are rising above 100 °F and it’s being felt in several areas such as New York (99 °F) and Texas (112 °F). In response, many Americans are getting into swimming to stay cool. This makes water safety all the more important because accidents like drowning can occur, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) informs is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death among children ages...

Ocean and Beach Safety

Greetings Families! Our beaches are open and we want everyone to be safe while enjoying them! Pls share this with your friends and family members along with our PSA Here. Beach Forecasts and Text Alerts The daily beach forecast by the National Weather Service (NWS), located at , includes rip current risk levels and information about other hazards at the beach. Sign up for text alerts for beach conditions by texting “Beach” or “Playa” to 877877. To check on beach water...