Changing the Narrative: A Must-See Film on Breaking Swimming Barriers

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Promotional poster for 'Changing the Narrative' documentary series featuring a diverse group of people and release dates for episodes.

Changing the Narrative: A Must-See Film on Breaking Swimming Barriers

 “Changing the Narrative”: A Must-See Film for Every Family

A Powerful Message on Swimming and Water Safety

Greetings, families!

Today, I want to share something truly special with you. My friend Ed Accura has created a film that you absolutely must see: “Changing the Narrative”.

Universal Barriers to Swimming

While Ed’s film focuses on the UK perspective, the message resonates globally. As I’ve traveled the world, I’ve heard the same concerns echoed by people everywhere. The barriers to learning how to swim are truly universal.

Reflecting on Our Own Barriers

This film challenges us to ask ourselves:

 How do we look deep into ourselves to identify our own barriers?

It’s a powerful question that could change lives.

Taking Action

Here’s what we can do:

1. Watch the Series : Start with the three-minute trailer available online.
2. Reflect: Think about your own experiences with swimming and water safety.
3. Seek opportunities: Organizations like Swim Strong offer low to no-cost swim lessons.
4. Create new realities: It begins with individuals willing to rediscover what’s been lost in their histories and create a new future for their families.



The Power of Change

Change your narrative
Change your perspective
Change your life

 A Call to Share

This message is too important to keep to ourselves. Please, share it widely with your friends, family, and community. Together, we can make a difference in water safety and open up new opportunities for everyone.

Thank you for being part of this important conversation.

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