Ocean and Beach Safety
Our beaches are open and we want everyone to be safe while enjoying them! Pls share this with your friends and family members along with our PSA Here. https://twitter.com/SwimStrongNYswimstrong-2015-infrographic.png
Beach Forecasts and Text Alerts
The daily beach forecast by the National Weather Service (NWS), located at https://www.weather.gov/beach/okx , includes rip current risk levels and information about other hazards at the beach. Sign up for text alerts for beach conditions by texting “Beach” or “Playa” to 877877. To check on beach water quality go to: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/beach-homepage.page
Rip Currents
Rip currents are narrow channels of fast moving water that pull bathers away from the shore. They move at speeds of up to 8 feet per second, faster than any Olympic swimmer and can easily overpower a person. Panicked swimmers often try to “fight” the current by swimming directly back to shore. Drowning due to fatigue is often the result. These are responsible for numerous water rescue attempts along the New York City beaches every year. Rather than struggling through a rip current and exhausting yourself, turn onto your back and float, until you feel the current break, then swim at an angle, away from the current toward the shore. Float don’t fight.
Ocean, Bay and Beach Safety Tips
- Swimming in the Ocean or Bay is not the same as swimming in a pool or a lake. Ocean/bay swimming can be very physically taxing and may exacerbate underlying medical issues in older swimmers.
- A perfect day on the beach doesn’t always mean that it’s a perfect day in the ocean/bay. If in doubt, don’t go out.
- Never swim alone. Swim with a buddy and have adult supervision for all children. Have someone on shore keep an eye on you while you swim/surf/wade in the water.
- Remember, many people drown while trying to save someone else from a rip current. Make safe choices.
- Be aware of additional hazards, such as lightning, high surf, shore break, jelly fish, marine predators, dehydration and sun stroke.
- Avoid wearing shiny objects that may attract sharks and other fish.
- Do not mix alcohol/drugs and swimming.
- Sandbars are formed by waves and tides. They are not permanent structures.
- Avoid swimming where danger is present: in rough seas; inlets; around groins, piers and surfers; at night; or during thunderstorms.
- Signs are posted for a reason. Follow the instruction for your safety.
Have you seen my 19 min video explaining why we all need to think about water safety differently? https://www.swimstrongfoundation.org/can-no-longer-avoid-water-watch/
24 schools (GK-12) are using this training now. Ask your children’s Principal to bring this training to their schools. https://www.swimstrongfoundation.org/know-before-you-go/
There is a version for families that you can purchase independently: www.SwimStrongFoundation.org/product/kbyg/
July-Aug Swim Classes Registratio0n open now: https://www.swimstrongfoundation.org/current-classes/
Stay safe and healthy.
Shawn M. Slevin