River East Elementary – Get Ready Get Wet (Adult) – Sunday – Jan/Feb 2025
Get Ready, Get Wet is a 30-minute program introducing new swimmers to the water so they become comfortable; gain confidence; learn how to move in the water and become ready to take actual swim instruction.
Ages: 17+
Date & Time: Sunday 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. From: (1/12 – 2/23) (No class 2/16)
Location: River East Elementary School 23-51 1st Ave, NY, NY 10005
- Description
Get Ready, Get Wet is a 30-minute program introducing new swimmers to the water so they become comfortable; gain confidence; learn how to move in the water and become ready to take actual swim instruction.
Ages: 17+
Date & Time: Sunday 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. From: (1/12 – 2/23) (No class 2/16)
Location: River East Elementary School 23-51 1st Ave, NY, NY 10005
Refund Policy: Refunds are not provided unless the student suffers a severe medical condition documented by the physician.
Make-Ups: Make-ups are not provided to Get Ready/Get Wet, Adaptive and 1st level Learn to Swim students due to the personalized nature of those classes. Students in more advanced classes may rake a makeup at another location/time where they can be accommodated. Check with your head coach. Make-ups must be taken within the current session.